Kailasa’s Nithyananda Shelters

Indigenous peoples suffer disproportionately from poverty, marginalization, lack of adequate housing and income inequality. A changing economy centered around industrialization has prompted many of the rural to move or migrate which has led to an accumulation of slums...

Kailasa’s Nithyananda Galleria

KAILASA’S NITHYANANDA GALLERIA ensures the international supply of traditional Hindu merchandise through organizational function of conceiving, developing, designing, testing launching and delivering authentic Hindu products into the market. KAILASA’s...

Kailasa’s Sacred Arts Univercity

The Hindu indigenous population’s architectural heritage and culture in many parts of the world continues to be phenomenal yet widely under-represented. Aiming to revive and restablish traditional ways of deity-making and the art of temple architecture KDC...

Empowering Hindu Textile Trade

KDC, as encouraged by the global dialogue on environmentally sustainable textiles endorses the use of cotton fabrics, one of the oldest excavated fabrics that have been traced back to the Hindu civilization, first grown, spun and woven into cloth as early as 5000 BC....

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

To reap the full benefits of innovation and empowerment KDC permeates across the economy and helps indigenous artisans and enterprises of all sizes and sectors. This is referred to as the dissemination of innovation. Following the same, KDC provides various...